My First Day with HTML: A Beginner's Journey

My First Day with HTML: A Beginner's Journey


Embarking on a journey into the world of web development, my first day with HTML was filled with excitement and curiosity. Armed with a desire to learn and create, I set out to explore the fundamentals of HTML and begin my adventure in crafting digital experiences. Join me as I recount my experiences and discoveries from my very first day with HTML.

Downloading VS Code and Essential Extensions:

The first step in my HTML journey was setting up my development environment. I chose Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as my code editor for its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options. To download Visual Studio Code, you can go to the official website at, and then click on the "Download for Windows" button or appropriate platform for your system.

Next, I equipped my VS Code with essential extensions to enhance my coding experience. I installed:

  1. Live Server: This extension allows me to view my HTML files in real-time as I make changes, providing instant feedback and streamlining the development process.

  2. Prettier: With Prettier, formatting my code becomes effortless. It automatically formats my HTML to ensure consistency and readability, saving me time and effort.

  3. Material Icon Theme: Adding a touch of visual appeal to my workspace, the Material Icon Theme provides colorful icons for files and folders, making navigation more intuitive.

To install these extensions, open Visual Studio Code and then click on the "Extensions" icon on the Activity Bar on the side of the window. In the Extensions view, search for the above-mentioned extensions and install them.

For the theme, it's optional and depends on your preference. You can explore various themes in the Extensions view by searching for "themes".

Additionally, I explored various themes for VS Code, ultimately selecting a sleek and minimalist theme to complement my coding environment.

Exploring Basic HTML Structure and Commands

Armed with my newly configured environment, I delved into the basics of HTML. I learned the fundamental structure of an HTML document, consisting of the <html>, <head>, and <body> elements. Within the <head> element, I discovered the importance of the <title> tag in defining the title of the webpage.

Using Emmet shortcuts, I quickly generated common HTML elements such as headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), and even placeholder text with the lorem command.

Here's the basic HTML structure as sample code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My First Webpage</title>
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
  <p>This is a basic HTML webpage.</p>

Command Line Essentials:

To navigate and manage my files, I familiarized myself with basic command line commands. I learned how to create and delete directories (mkdir and rmdir), navigate through folders (cd), list directory contents (dir), and clear the command line interface (cls).

  • mkdir: Creates a new directory

  • rmdir: Removes a directory

  • cd ..: Move up one level in the directory structure

  • cd folder-name: Move into a specific folder

  • cls: Clears the console screen

  • dir: Lists the contents of the current directory

Regarding Emmet shortcuts:

Emmet makes it easy to create various heading and paragraph tags. Typing h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, or p followed by Tab generates the corresponding HTML tag. For example, typing h1 and pressing Tab creates <h1></h1>, which is the tag for the largest heading.

By using these shortcuts, I was able to quickly set up the basic structure of my HTML document and add content with ease.

Crafting My First HTML Page:

With newfound knowledge and tools at my disposal, I set out to create my very first HTML page. Starting with a simple structure, I incorporated headings, paragraphs, and other elements to form a cohesive webpage. With Live Server, I could instantly preview my changes and fine-tune the layout and content.


My first day with HTML was a thrilling adventure filled with learning and experimentation. From setting up my development environment to crafting my first HTML page, each step brought me closer to realizing my aspirations in web development. With a solid foundation in HTML and a newfound enthusiasm, I eagerly anticipate the journey ahead, eager to continue exploring the vast landscape of web technologies.